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교수프로필 연구 · 산학

서대희 사진
  • 학위: 박사
  • 연구실 : (S관)중앙교수회관 (S223)
  • 연락처 : 02-2287-6167
  • 세부전공 : 정보보호
홈 이메일
  • 박사, 순천향대학교 전산학과 (세부전공 : 전산학), 200602
  • 부교수, 상명대학교, (2024.09~ )
  • 평가위원, 인천공항공사, (2023.10~ )
  • 평가위원, 한국교육시설안전원, (2023.10~ )
  • 기술성 평가위원, 금융감독원, (2023.10~ )
  • 정보보안 중장기계획 민간자문단, 국가보안기술연구소, (2023.04~ )
  • 전문위원, 한국정보통신기술협회, (2023.03~ )
  • 이사, 한국디지털포렌식학회, (2023.01~ )
  • 감정인, 한국저작권위원회, (2022.12~ )
  • 자문위원, 국가정보원, (2022.10~ )
  • 전문위원, 미래 보안기술 포럼, (2022.01~ )
  • 이사, 한국소프트웨어감정학회, (2022.01~ )
  • 상임이사, 한국정보보호학회, (2021.01~ )
  • Senior researcher, Kennesaw state university, (2018.08~2020.05)
  • Lecture, Columbia college of VA, (2017.08~2018.05)
  • Lecture, Washington university in VA, (2017.01~2017.06)
  • 선임연구원, 한국전자통신연구원, (2009.10~2015.03)
  • 연구교수, 이화여자대학교, (2008.07~2009.09)
  • 선임연구원, 한국인터넷진흥원, (2007.05~2007.12)
  • Post-Doc, Howard University, (2006.04~2007.04)
  • Overheard: Audio-based Integral Event Inference, Journal of Data and Information Quality, 202412
  • KDGAN: Knowledge Distillation-based Model Copyright Protection for Secure and Communication-Efficient Model Publishing, IET Communications, 202406
  • CLSM-FL: Clustering-based Semantic Federated Learning in non-IID IoT Environment, IEEE INTERNET OF THINGS JOURNAL, 202406
  • FedCPD: Addressing Label Distribution Skew in Federated Learning with Class Proxy Decoupling and Proxy Regularization, Information Fusion, 202405
  • A Comprehensive Approach to User Delegation and Anonymity within Decentralized Identifiers for IoT, Sensors, 202403
  • A study on the traceable attribute-based signature scheme provided with anonymous credentials, CONNECTION SCIENCE, 202401
  • Lightweight Model on Super-Resolution Image for Complete Model Copyright Protection, TSINGHUA SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 202311
  • Data Access Control for Secure Authentication using Dual VC Scheme based on CP-ABE in DID, Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Computers, 202310
  • A Study on Dynamic Group Signature Scheme with Threshold Traceability for Blockchain, High-Confidence Computing Journal, 202309
  • Few-Shot Graph Classification with Structural-Enhanced Contrastive Learning for Graph Data Copyright Protection, TSINGHUA SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 202309
  • T-Meta: Trust Management for the Cold Start of IoT Services with Digital-Twin-Aided Open Ledger, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 202306
  • Privacy-Preserving Federated Graph Neural Network Learning on Non-IID Graph Data, Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, 202302
  • FedLC: Optimizing Federated Learning in Non-IID Data via Label-Wise Clustering, IEEE ACCESS, 2023
  • A Study on Data Sharing Scheme using ECP-ABSC that Provides Data User Traceability in the Cloud, KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, 202212
  • C-ITS 보안 이슈 및 기술 동향 분석, 한국소프트웨어감정평가학회 논문지, 202212
  • 국가 주요 기반시설 대상 안전한 클라우드 동향 분석, 한국소프트웨어감정평가학회 논문지, 202212
  • Epidemic Vulnerability Index for Effective Vaccine Distribution against Pandemic, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, 202208
  • An SKP-ABE scheme for Secure and Efficient Data Sharing on the Cloud Environment, Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, 202206
  • Certificateless Group to Many Broadcast Proxy Re-encryption for Data Sharing towards Multiple Parties in IoTs, Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, 202206
  • A Certificateless-based One-Round Authenticated Group Key Agreement Protocol to Prevent Impersonation Attacks, KSII TRANSACTIONS ON INTERNET AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS, 202205
  • Broadcast Proxy Reencryption Based on Certificateless Public Key Cryptography for Secure Data Sharing, WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS & MOBILE COMPUTING, 202112
  • An Efficient Public Verifiable Certificateless Multi-Receiver Signcryption Scheme for IoT Environments, IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION AND SYSTEMS, 202111
  • Secure Verifiable Aggregation for Blockchain-based Federated Averaging, High-Confidence Computing, 202111
  • Link-privacy Preserving Graph Embedding Data Publication with Adversarial Learning, Tsinghua Science and Technology, 202110
  • Deep Learning-Based Service Scheduling Mechanism for GreenRSUs in the IoVs, WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS & MOBILE COMPUTING, 202109
  • Data Distribution for Multiple Receivers in a Connected Car Environment Using 5G Communication, SECURITY AND COMMUNICATION NETWORKS, 202106
  • Group Delegated ID-Based Proxy Reencryption for the Enterprise IoT-Cloud Storage Environment, WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS & MOBILE COMPUTING, 202106
  • An Unsupervised Anomaly Detection Framework for Detecting Anomalies in Real Time through Network System’s Log Files Analysis, High-Confidence Computing, 202105
  • Secure Encapsulation Schemes Using Key Recovery System in IoMT Environments, SENSORS, 202105
  • On Differential Privacy-Based Framework for Enhancing User Data Privacy in Mobile Edge Computing Environment, IEEE ACCESS, 202103
  • A Federated Framework for Fine-Grained Cloud Access Control for Intelligent Big Data Analytic by Service Providers, IEEE ACCESS, 202103
  • Differentially private approximate aggregation based on feature selection, JOURNAL OF COMBINATORIAL OPTIMIZATION, 202102
  • An intelligent recommendation algorithm for red team strategy in edge computing powered massive Cyber Defense Exercise, COMPUTER COMMUNICATIONS, 202101
  • An Anonymous Protocol with User Identification and Linking Capabilities for User Privacy in a Permissioned Blockchain, Electronics, 202007
  • A Novel Transparent and Auditable Fog-Cloud Storage Framework with Compensation Mechanism, TSINGHUA SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 202002
  • COLLISION RISK PREDICTION METHOD AND APPARATUS USING METEOROLOGICAL INFORMATION, DaeHee Seo, SungHee Oh, ByungDoo Kim, DoHyung Kim, KwanTae Cho, JoongYoung Chi, ByungGil Lee, JoongChan Na, 20150530
  • Time and event related ship detection method using DPAOI(Data Processing with Area of Interest) search at recorded data of AIS, radar and CCTV, DaeHee Seo, SungHee Oh, ByungDoo Kim, DoHyung Kim, KwanTae Cho, JoongYoung Chi, ByungGil Lee, JoongChan Na, , 20150530
  • The optical CCTV system’s multi-fusion ship tracking and display method using co-integrated tracking position value and information with Radar and AIS, DaeHee Seo, SungHee Oh, ByungDoo Kim, DoHyung Kim, KwanTae Cho, JoongYoung Chi, ByungGil Lee, JoongChan Na, 20150228
  • Method of Anchorage Deviation Ship Management and Monitoring Scheme using Spherical Trigonometry based on Long Range Sensors, DaeHee Seo, SungHee Oh, ByungDoo Kim, DoHyung Kim, KwanTae Cho, JoongYoung Chi, ByungGil Lee, JoongChan Na, 20140730
  • Mulitiple authenticaiton method for web multi contents, DaeHee Seo, JaeHoon Na, ByungGil Lee, HyunSuk Cho, 20130916
  • Method and Apparatus of anonymity-based cyber security information sharing for protecting personal identification information, DaeHee Seo, Gae-il An, Sung-Won Lee, Gi-Young Kim, Jong-Hyun Kim, Sun-Hee Lim, 20120630
  • System and method for sharing information between heterogeneous service providers, DaeHee Seo, Sun-Hee Lim, Gae-il An, Sung-Won Lee, Gi-Young Kim, Jong-Hyun Kim, 20120530
  • METHOD OF SECURE NETWORKS INFORMATION SHARING FOR GLOBAL COLLABORATIVE, DaeHee Seo, Gae-il An, Sung-Won Lee, Gi-Young Kim, Jong-Hyun Kim, Sun-Hee Lim, 20120530
  • Security Label Generation method and apparatus for scalable content distribution, DaeHee Seo, Yong-Hyuk Moon, Hyeok-Chan Kwon, Seung-Min Lee, Jae-Hoon Nah, Taek-Yong Nam, Dong-il Seo, 20120530
  • Apparatus and Method for the Prediction of Cyber Threats, DaeHee Seo, Sun-Hee Lim, Gae-il An, Sung-Won Lee, Gi-Young Kim, Jong-Hyun Kim, 20120430
  • Method and System for Providing Layered Access Control for Scalable media, DaeHee Seo, Hyeok-Chan Kwon, Seung-Min Lee, Yong-Hyuk Moon, Jae-Hoon Nah, Taek-Yong Nam, Dong-il Seo, 20111219
  • Authentication Apparatus and method for Non-Real IPTV system, DaeHee Seo, Hyeok-Chan Kwon, Seung-Min Lee, Yong-Hyuk Moon, Jae-Hoon Nah, Taek-Yong Nam, Dong-il Seo, 20110628
  • CONTENT SHARING METHOD BASED ON NON-REALTIME IPTV SERVICE, DaeHee Seo, Hyeok-Chan Kwon, Seung-Min Lee, Yong-Hyuk Moon, Jae-Hoon Nah, Taek-Yong Nam, Dong-il Seo, 20110623
  • 안전한 그룹 서명 및 인증 체계를 위한 블록체인 기반 모바일 엣지 컴퓨팅에 관한 연구, 한국정보처리학회, 20240523
  • 능동적 공격자 정보 수집 기술 및 동향 조사, 한국소프트웨어감정평가학회, 20230512
  • 저궤도 위성 이동통신을 위한 보안 기술에 대한 연구, 한국소프트웨어감정평가학회, 20230512
  • Epidemic Vulnerability Index for Effective Vaccine Distribution Against Pandemic, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 20211127
  • Decentralized Aggregation Design and Study of Federated Learning, IEEE CIS, 20211019
  • 클라우드 환경에서 KP-ABSKE 기반의 데이터 접근기법에 관한 연구, 한국 통신학회, 20210616
  • Differential Privacy using Fuzzy Convolution NeuralNetwork (DP-FCNN) with Laplace Mechanism and Authentication Access in Edge Computing, IEEE, 20210104
  • A Study on Secure Encapsulation based Key Recovery System, Silicon Valley Cybersecurity Institute, 20201217
  • A Study on Anonymous Protocol in a Permission Blockchain with Ensure Privacy for a Member, SpaCCS 2019 ( LNCS, volume: 11611), 20190731
  • A Study on Anonymous Protocol in a Permission Blockchain with Ensure Privacy for a Member , Springer, 20190715
  • 과학기술정보통신부 장관 우수 연구자 표창, 과학기술정보통신부, 20240424
  • 공로상, 한국정보보호학회, 20231202
  • Best Paper Award, Elsevier(High-Confidence Computing), 20221205
  • 공로상, 한국정보보호학회, 20221126
  • 우수 표준화상, 한국전자통신연구원, 20130228
  • 우수논문상, 한국정보보호학회 충청지부, 20050830
  • 최고 논문상, 한국멀티미디어학회, 20020830
  • 한국전자통신연구원, 생성형 AI 사용 시 내부 정보 유출 방지를 위한 데이터 보안 기술 연구, (2024.09~2024.12)
  • 한국전자통신연구원, Open RAN 기술 , 국제 표준 및 오픈소스 분석 기반 보안 use-case 상세 설계, (2024.08~2024.11)
  • IITP, The Development of Advanced Data Security Technology and Human Resources, (2024.07~2031.12)
  • IITP, A study on improving security management system to ensure communication network stability, (2024.06~2024.12)
  • LSWare, 대용량 멀티미디어 콘텐츠 보호를 위한 프레임워크 설계 (Phase 3), (2023.05~2023.11)
  • Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute, Research on Range Counting Technology for Privacy Protection in Massive IoT Data, (2023.04~2023.11)
  • National Security Research Institute, Analysis of the current state of implementation of network separation policies in major foreign countries and research on improvement measures, (2023.04~2023.11)
  • LSWare, A Development of Protection of Large-capacity Multimedia Contents Framwork (Phase 2), (2022.06~2022.11)
  • Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute, Research on Core Technology Research on Trust Data Connectome, (2022.06~2022.11)
  • National Security Research Institute, Research on In-depth analysis of future information security technology, (2022.05~2022.11)
  • LSWare, 대용량 멀티미디어 콘텐츠 보호를 위한 프레임워크 설계 (Phase 1), (2021.06~2021.11)
  • IITP, High-Potential Individuals Global Training Program, (2021.05~2022.04)
  • IITP, AI-big data-based cyber security orchestration and automatic response technology development, (2021.05~2021.12)
  • 국가보안기술연구소, 국가보안기술 R&D 중장기 전략적 실천 방안 연구, (2021.04~2021.10)
  • IITP, Development of multi-level authentication key management and recovery application platform based on blockchain, (2020.07~2021.05)