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교수프로필 연구 · 산학

최재호 사진
  • 학위: 박사
  • 연구실 : (S관)중앙교수회관 (S313)
  • 연락처 : 02-781-7584
  • 세부전공 : Instructional Technology
  • 박사, University of Virginia Education (세부전공 : Educational Technology), 201012
  • 석사, Univ. of Maryland at Baltimore Country Education (세부전공 : TESOL), 200412
  • 학사, 부산대학교 영어영문학과, 199302
  • 조교수, 한국성서대학교, (2012.03~2013.08)
  • 시간강사, 한동대학교, (2011.03~2011.08)
  • 전임연구원, 한동대학교, (2010.10~2012.02)
  • The Effects of Study Abroad Experience and the Length of Stay on Study Practices and Affective Aspects of Language Learning, Studies in English Education, 201903
  • Understanding of Out-of-Class English Learning of Korean Students in Relation with Affective Factors and Motivation, 영어어문교육, 201812
  • To what extent does ‘flipping’ make lessons effective in a multimedia production class?, Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 201801
  • Critical Review of Empirical Studies on the Flipped Classroom in English Education in Korea, 영어어문교육, 201612
  • 특수목적영어로서 해양플랜트영어코퍼스구축 및 활용, 언어과학, 201602
  • 대학 영어 수업에서 상호작용적 웹블로그 활동의 효과, 영미연구, 201506
  • 대학영어수업에서 동료교수와 교실응답시스템이 의사소통의지, 상호작용성, 영어독해성취도에 미치는 영향, 새한영어영문학, 201505
  • Ecological Understanding of Students' English Lerning and their Achievement, 현대영어교육학회, 20180720
  • is the Flipped Classroom Effective in English Education in Korea, 현대영어교육학회, 20170714
  • College Students' Percetion on General English courses and Implications for ESP Courses, 현대영어교육학회, 20170714
  • 웹믈로그를 활용한 교실 안, 교실 밖 언어학습활동 지원의 효과성, 현대영어교육학회, 20160618
  • Is flipped classroom effective for multimedia production?, AACE, 20151020
  • Does communication technology guarantee interactive language learning? The impact of CRS(Class Response System) in college English classes, 한국언어과학회, 20150212