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교수프로필 연구 · 산학

심가가 사진
  • 학위: 박사
  • 연구실 : 청록관 (A202)
  • 연락처 : 041-550-5433
  • 세부전공 : 아동간호학
  • 박사, 경희대학교 아동간호학 (세부전공 : 부모자녀관계,아동건강,만성질환,종양간호), 201608
  • 석사, 경희대학교 간호학과 (세부전공 : 아동간호, 시뮬레이션 교육), 201208
  • 학사, 경희대학교 간호학과 (세부전공 : 간호학), 200502
  • 학술위원, Korean Academy of Child Health Nursing, (2024.01~ )
  • 편집위원, Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing , (2024.01~ )
  • 교육위원, Korean Society for Simulation in Healthcare, (2020.03~ )
  • 심사위원, Child Health Nursing Research, (2020.03~ )
  • 심사위원, Journal of East-West Nursing Research, (2019.03~ )
  • Post-doctoral Fellowship researcher, University Illinois at Chicago, (2017.08~2019.01)
  • 강사, 경희대,건국대,성신여대,서정대,울산대,수원과학대학, (2012.~2017.)
  • 정회원, Sigma Theta Tau International, Alpha Lambda Chapter, (2012.~ )
  • 정회원, Korean Society of Nursing Science, (2012.~ )
  • 연구원, 동서간호학 연구소, (2011.~2016.02)
  • 연구조교, 경희대학교 간호과학대학, (2010.~2011.)
  • 간사, Journal of East-West Nursing Research, (2009.~2010.)
  • 연구원, 고려대학교 예방의학교실,(주)한수원 방사선보건연구원, (2008.~2009.)
  • 간호사, 분당 차병원, 경희의료원, (2005.~2008.)
  • 임상실습에서 비대면 실습 교육으로 전환하는 간호대학생의 경험 , 학습자중심교과교육학회, 202407
  • Virtual Simulation Education Using Multiuser Virtual Environments and Standardized Patients for Child Healthcare in the Community Setting: A Multisite Pilot Study, CLINICAL SIMULATION IN NURSING, 202310
  • Effect of a Follow-up Program Involving an Early Intervention and Self-help Group on Parenting Stress, Depression, and Parenting Efficacy for Mothers of Premature Infants, 한국모자보건학회지, 202310
  • Describing the Ecology of Parenting Based on Preschool Mothers' Social Relationships in Korea: An Ecological Theory Approach, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH, 202212
  • Collaborative Disaster Governance Recognized by Nurses during a Pandemic, JOURNAL OF KOREAN ACADEMY OF NURSING, 202112
  • 간호대학생의 직업준비도에 미치는 영향, 한국웰니스학회지, 202105
  • Psychometric evaluation of the Korean version of the work readiness scale for graduating nursing students, COLLEGIAN, 202102
  • Development and Evaluation of an Algorithm-Corresponding Instrument for Nursing Simulation, JOURNAL OF NURSING EDUCATION, 202011
  • Effects of a community-based follow-up program for parents with premature infants on parenting stress, parenting efficacy, and coping, Child Health Nursing Research, 202007
  • 간호대학생의 봉사활동 참여 동기, 인성 및 대인관계의 관계, Journal of East-West Nursing Research, 202005
  • Unmet Health Needs in Early Childhood in South Korea, JOURNAL OF COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSING, 202004
  • Exploring Parenting Decisions Among South Korean Mothers with Preschool-Age Children, JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE FAMILY STUDIES, 201905
  • Exploring the Need of HPV Education Programs in Korean American Communities, JOURNAL OF COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSING, 2019
  • Parental HPV knowledge and perceptions of HPV vaccines among Korean American parents, APPLIED NURSING RESEARCH, 201812
  • Analysis of Students’ Clinical Judgment Process during Nursing Simulation, Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society, 201809
  • Mobile Technology in Undergraduate Nursing Education: A Systematic Review, Healthcare Informatics Research, 201804
  • The effectiveness of clinical nursing Simulation Using Standardized Patient on Nursing Student’s Anxiety, self-efficacy and Critical Thinking Disposition, Jornal of the Korea Academia-Industrial, 201710
  • The Reliability and Validity of the Lasater Clinical Judgement Rubric in Korean Nursing Students, Child Health Nursing Reserch, 201504
  • The Korean version of the Lasater Clinical Judgment Rubric: A validation study, Nurse Education Today, 2015
  • Validation of a New Assessment Tool for a Pediatric Nursing Simulation Module, Journal of Nursing Education, 2014
  • Nursing Activities Identified through Pediatric Nursing Simulation, Child Health Nursing Research, 2013
  • Nursing Students` Experiences on Pediatric Nursing Simulation Practice, Journal of East-West Nursing Research, 2010
  • (생애주기에 따른) 인간성장발달, 학지사메디컬, 20240915
  • 아동간호학 실습지침서, 포널스, 20231217
  • 아동간호학(Maternal-child nursing), 현문사, 20230130
  • (명쾌한) 인체해부생리학, 정담, 20220128
  • Multisite assessment of a nursing education program using multi-user virtual environment simulation: A pilot study, Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing (Sigma), 20220723
  • Collaborative disaster governance recognized by nurses during a Pandemic, KOREAN SOCIETY OF NURSING SCIENCE, 20211021
  • Development and validation of a nursing response model to pandemic disasters, Korean Society of Nursing Science, 20211021
  • 최우수 논문상, 한국모자보건학회, 20231209
  • 강의 우수상, 상명대학교, 20230823
  • Scholarship,Implementing Simulation Courseware in a pediatric nursing practicum, International Conference selected applicants, Sigma Theta Tau International, Indianapolis, USA , 2014