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교수프로필 연구 · 산학

  • 박사, Macquarie University , 201804
  • 석사, University of Essex School of Comparative Studies, 199107
  • 외국인 교수, 한국외국어대학교, (2011.09~2015.08)
  • 조교수, 서울교육대학교, (2001.03~2011.08)
  • A story without SELF: Vygotsky’s pedology, Bruner’s constructivism and Halliday’s construalism in understanding narratives by Korean children, Language and Education, 201904
  • The Storyteller's Tale: Vygotsky's 'Vrashchivaniya', the Zone of Proximal Development and 'Ingrowing' in the Weekend Stories of Korean Children, British Journal of Educational Studies, 201901
  • Mountains in Labour: Eliot's 'Atrocities' and Woolf's Alternatives, Language and Literature, 201812
  • When three fives are thirty-five: Vygotsky in a Hallidayan idiom ... and maths in the grandmother tongue, Early Years, 201806
  • A Science for Verbal Art: Elizabeth Gaskell's Contribution to a Critique of Political Economy, Language Sciences, 201805
  • The question of question: Hasan's critiques, Vygotsky's crises and the child's first interrogatives, Early Years, 201803
  • 비고츠키 연구회 (2019). 성애와 갈등., 20190101, 살림터
  • L.S. Vygotsky's Pedological Works Volume 1: Foundations of Pedology, Springer, 20191231
  • 성애와 갈등, 살림터, 20190117
  • 분열과 사랑 비고츠키 청소년 아동학 1, 비고츠키 선집 9, 살림터, 20180318
  • 성 성숙 심리학, 전국교직원노동조합, 20190117
  • Up Close and Personal with Vygotsky, Australian Association for Research in Education, 20181206
  • 내적체험에 이르는 길: dialogue 와 narrative, 서울특별시교육청교육연구정보원, 20181013
  • De l'importance des textes pedologiques pour la comprehension de l'oeuvre de Vygotski, Universite de Geneve, 20180622