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교수프로필 연구 · 산학

유현주 사진
  • 학위: 박사
  • 연구실 : (A관)사범대학관 (A509)
  • 세부전공 : 영문학/영문학교육
  • 석사, Eastern Michigan Univ. ENGLISH LANGUAGE & LITERATURE, 201812
  • 박사, Columbia University English Literature Education, 201802
  • 편집이사, 미국소설학회, (2024.01~2025.12)
  • 총무이사, 문학과종교학회, (2023.09~2025.08)
  • 재무이사, 한국영미문학교육학회, (2023.07~2025.06)
  • 편집이사, 한국영미문학페미니즘학회, (2023.06~2025.06)
  • 총무이사, 한국영어교육연구학회, (2023.03~2024.06)
  • 연구이사, 한국영어영문학회, (2023.02~2024.01)
  • 학과장, 상명대학교, (2023.01~ )
  • 조교수, 상명대학교 (사범대학), (2021.03~ )
  • 편집이사, 창의융합디자인연구소, (2021.02~ )
  • 편집이사, 현대영미소설학회, (2020.03~2026.06)
  • 초빙강사, 고려대학교 (교육대학원), (2020.03~2023.02)
  • 조교수, 국민대학교 (교양대학), (2020.03~2021.02)
  • 홍보이사 , 미국소설학회, (2020.03~2021.02)
  • Diversity Committee, The Children's Literature Association (ChLA), (2019.06~2022.06)
  • 시간강사/초빙교수, 고려대학교/이화여자대학교/한국외국어대학교/홍익대학교, (2018.12~2021.02)
  • BK박사후연구원, 이화여자대학교, (2018.11~2020.02)
  • The Supercrip Narrative and the American Dream: A Reevaluation of the Supercrip Stereotype, 미국학, 202406
  • Disabled Bodies as the Uncanny, 인문과학논총, 202309
  • Exploring the Uncanny from Postcolonial and Queer Perspectives, 동서인문학, 202308
  • Disabled Bodies and Ableist Ideology in The Hunger Games Film Trilogy, The CEA Critic, 202303
  • 『스킴』에서 장애/질병 서사 연구, 영미연구, 202302
  • 영미 아동청소년 문학/문학교육관련 연구동향 분석: 1996년부터 2022년까지『영미문학교육』에 게재된 논문을 중심으로, 영미문학교육, 202209
  • Autism, Posthumanism, Becoming Nonhuman:Temple Grandin’s Thinking in Pictures, The Journal of English Language & Literature, 202206
  • Telling Trauma: Studies in Trauma Theories, 영미연구, 202206
  • Reconstructing Asian American Male Masculinity in American Born Chinese, Journal of Narrative Theory, 202206
  • Why We Should Teach Women’s Life Writing in English Class, 영미문학교육, 202009
  • Imperialism and the Politics of Childhood Innocence in Peter Pan and Wendy, The Lion and the Unicon, 202006
  • Depathologising the Traumatised Self in Susanna Kaysen's Girl, Interrupted, INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH IN CHILDRENS LITERATURE, 201912
  • Rewriting American History in Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry: Metahistoricity, the Postcolonial Subject, and the Return of the Repressed, CHILDRENS LITERATURE IN EDUCATION , 201909
  • Politicizing Trauma in Rigoberta Menchú’s I, Rigoberta Menchú, 영미문학페미니즘, 201904
  • Freud’s Masculine Desire for Mastery over the Feminine Other in An Analysis of a Case of Hysteria, 영미어문학, 201903
  • The Traumatized Daughter’s Infinite Search for Father in Alison Bechdel’s Graphic Memoir Fun Home: A Family Tragicomic, 신영어영문학, 201902
  • The Absence of the Uncanny in Fanon’s the Other and Badiou’s Event, 영어영문학21, 201803
  • Eroticizing Trauma in Margurite Duras’s The Lover, 영미문학페미니즘, 201712
  • Transforming the Past Trauma into Graphic Art in David Small’s Stitches, 영어영문학, 201709
  • 바로크시인 존 단과 G. W. 라이프니츠—모나드, 주름의 펼침, 영어영문학21, 201103
  • The Mystical Body and Feminine Subjectivity in The Book of Margery Kempe, 영어영문학연구, 201103
  • Who Would Dare to Say That Margery Is a ‘Woman on the Market’?, 신영어영문학, 201102
  • Theodore Roosevelt’s Masculine Fashioning in The Rough Riders, 영미문학연구, 201012
  • 지젝과 <크라잉 게임>: 환상 가로지르기의 혁명, 문학과 영상, 201012
  • "I Want to Do Something New With It": Homoeroticism in Cronenberg's M. Butterfly, 영미어문학, 201006
  • The Neo-Baroque of Our Time: A Reading of Umberto Eco’s The Name of the Rose, International Journal of Arts and Sciences, 201004
  • The Baroque (G.W Leibniz) and the Neo-Baroque (Gilles Deleuze), 영어영문학21, 201003
  • Eco’s The Name of the Rose: The Relevance of the Neo-Baroque, 비교문학, 201002
  • The Cinematic Representation of Oriental Images in Hwang’s M. Butterfly, 신영어영문학, 200908
  • Asian/African American Identity as 'Simulacra' in Kimchee and Chitlins & Self-Defining Identity as 'Difference' in Cleveland Raining, 현대영미어문학, 200908
  • How to Globalize Hansik, Situations: Cultural Studies in the Asian Context, 200712
  • 캐나다 아동문학 유년기의 공화국을 넘어서, 20230228
  • The Palgrave Handbook of Children's Film and Television, Palgrave Macmillan, 20190630
  • 캐롤린 K. 스티드먼의 『굿우먼을 위한 풍경』에 재현된 여성노동자의 삶, 한국영미문학페미니즘학회, 20230429
  • Empowering the Traumatized Autobiographical Self in Satrapi Marjane’s The Complete Persepolis, 2022 ELLAK International Conference/S.Korea(Seoul), 20221216
  • Reconstructing Asian American Male Masculinity in American Born Chinese, 2022년 미래영어영문학회 춘계전국학술발표대회(제주), 20220611
  • 영미 아동청소년 문학교육 30년: 과거/현재/미래, 한국영미문학교육학회 30주년 기념 학술대회(서울), 20220514
  • Autism,Posthumanism, Becoming Animal: Temple Gradin’s Thinking in Pictures, 2020 ELLAK International Conference/S.Korea(online), 20201219
  • Revisiting Comfort Women History and Representing Trauma in South Korean Films A Never-Ending Story and Herstory, The 24th Biennial Congress of IRSCL/Sweden(Stockholm), 20190814
  • Disabled Bodies and Ableism Ideology in The Hunger Games film trilogy, 2018 ELLAK International Conference/S.Korea(Seoul), 20181215
  • Transforming the Past Trauma into Graphic Art in David Small’s Stitches, Children’s Literature Association 45th annual conference/U.S.A(San Antonio, Texas), 20180630
  • Fairy Tales as Interpretative Devices in Landscape for a Good Woman, Southwest Popular/American Culture Association Popular/ American Culture Association 39th annual conference/U.S.A(Albuquerque, New Mexico), 20180208
  • The Fatherless Daughter’s Infinite Journey to Search for Father in Alison Bechdel’s Fun Home, Children’s Literature Association 44th annual conference/U.S.A(Tampa, Florida), 20171122
  • Eroticizing Trauma in Marguerite Duras’s The Lover, Michigan College English Association conference/U.S.A(Ypsilanti, Michigan), 20171027
  • Identity Crisis in American Born Chinese, Midwest Modern Language Association 58th annual conference/U.S.A(St. Louis, Missouri), 20161112
  • The Neo-Baroque of Our Time: A Reading of Umberto Eco’s The Name of the Rose, International Journal of Arts & Science Conference for Academic Disciplines/U.S.A(Las Vegas, Nevada), 20100306
  • Graduate Studies in Lit. Scholarship, Journal of Narrative Theory , 20170331
  • Research Merit Award, International Journal of Arts & Science, 20100315
  • 서울시 인문학 장학생, 서울특별시 , 20080814
  • 한국연구재단, 캐롤린 K. 스티드먼의 『좋은 여성을 위한 풍경: 두 개의 삶 이야기』(Landscape for a Good Woman: A Story of Two Lives) (1987) 자서전을 통한 영국 여성 노동계급 역사 다시쓰기, (2024.06~2025.05)